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Perkins School For The Blind

Supporting Exemplary Facilities

Our FOS team had the distinct pleasure of performing a facility condition assessment (FCA) at the world-renowned Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, MA. Founded in 1829, Perkins was the first school for the blind in the United States with notable alumni including Laura Bridgman, Helen Keller, and Anne Sullivan. To assist the school in continuing their mission most effectively, we conducted a campus-wide FCA to analyze their assets.

Our team assessed a diverse range of assets including a one-of-a-kind Braille and Talking Book Library housing over 500,000 publications, a center for technology with cutting edge assistive technologies, offices and residence halls. The results of the assessment will help identify key steps for Perkins to continue meeting the needs of 21st-century learning.

✔️ 100% Positive Reviews -
Perkins contacted all 13 references we provided and received 100% positive reviews.

✔️ Quick Turnaround Time -
The entire on-site assessment was performed by eight FOS team members over the course of only four days.